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Following up on Dan's recent post, here is another shot of the ONR/CNR overnight sleeper "Northland" led by ONR FP7 1510 and CN FPA-4 6779 alongside Rosedale siding about to duck under the Don Valley Parkway on/off ramp near Bayview Avenue (in background) just north of Bloor.  As seen in the images linked below, the "North;and" often had interesting consists as it was made up of equipment from both ONR and CN, and later ONR and VIA.  Today's consist includes an ONR baggage car and two CN cars bracketing an ONR car in the fairly unique "Progressive Green" scheme.  This paint scheme dates the slide to about 1970 or slightly earlier.Ontario Northland introduced it's Progressive Green scheme in 1966, having five locomotives painted in the scheme.  These include ONR FP7s 1502 and 1517 (seen here at Allandale),  FP7 1521 (seen here at Oakville/Burlington), RS3 1311 (seen here at North Bay), and S-2 1200 (seen here at North Bay).  The FP7s were repainted in about six years, however the switchers carried the scheme until retirement.  Freight equipment carried this scheme, and it would appear some passenger equipment did as well.  The shields carried on the side of the FP7s appears twice on each side of the third car in this train.  A close up of lunch/cafe car "Meechim" in this scheme can be found here for comparison.More "Northland":1977 near Don Mills Road by Steve Danko.1978 by Queen Street by David Parker.Original Photographer Unknown, Al Chione Duplicate, Jacob Patterson Collection Slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Al Chione Duplicate; Jacob Patterson Collection all rights reserved.

Caption: Following up on Dan's recent post, here is another shot of the ONR/CNR overnight sleeper "Northland" led by ONR FP7 1510 and CN FPA-4 6779 alongside Rosedale siding about to duck under the Don Valley Parkway on/off ramp near Bayview Avenue (in background) just north of Bloor. As seen in the images linked below, the "North;and" often had interesting consists as it was made up of equipment from both ONR and CN, and later ONR and VIA. Today's consist includes an ONR baggage car and two CN cars bracketing an ONR car in the fairly unique "Progressive Green" scheme. This paint scheme dates the slide to about 1970 or slightly earlier.

Ontario Northland introduced it's Progressive Green scheme in 1966, having five locomotives painted in the scheme. These include ONR FP7s 1502 and 1517 (seen here at Allandale), FP7 1521 (seen here at Oakville/Burlington), RS3 1311 (seen here at North Bay), and S-2 1200 (seen here at North Bay). The FP7s were repainted in about six years, however the switchers carried the scheme until retirement. Freight equipment carried this scheme, and it would appear some passenger equipment did as well. The shields carried on the side of the FP7s appears twice on each side of the third car in this train. A close up of lunch/cafe car "Meechim" in this scheme can be found here for comparison.

More "Northland":
1977 near Don Mills Road by Steve Danko.
1978 by Queen Street by David Parker.

Original Photographer Unknown, Al Chione Duplicate, Jacob Patterson Collection Slide.

Al Chione Duplicate; Jacob Patterson Collection [587] (more) (contact)
Date: Circa 1970 (search)
Railway: Ontario Northland (search)
Reporting Marks: ONR 1510, CN 6779 (search)
Train Symbol: ONT 88 "Northland" (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Bala Sub - Rosedale (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=47238
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