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First thing in the morning finds a unit train of empties on the way north to exchange them for loaded hoppers. As far north as this train would go, the there and back time was not that long typically. Like this day, most unit trains would head out between 7:00 and 8:00 and return the next day anywhere from 16:00 to 20:00. Photo taken just north of Egremont with storm clouds already making an appearance in the west.
Copyright Notice: This image ©L. Parks all rights reserved.

Caption: First thing in the morning finds a unit train of empties on the way north to exchange them for loaded hoppers. As far north as this train would go, the there and back time was not that long typically. Like this day, most unit trains would head out between 7:00 and 8:00 and return the next day anywhere from 16:00 to 20:00. Photo taken just north of Egremont with storm clouds already making an appearance in the west.

L. Parks [317] (more) (contact)
Date: June 1987 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4609 (search)
Train Symbol: Unit train (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Lac La Biche Sub. (search)
City/Town: Egremont (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55939
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Photo ID: 54617

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  1. Looking great configured short end leading.

  2. Yes, the guys at the shop track put this consist together perfectly with the forward, reverse, reverse, pattern. From what I understand, the wye at Waterways was a short one, no room to turn 3 units. Thus, you ended up with consists like this when the unit train returned next day at suppertime. :-)

  3. If only CN today would patch units with care and grace like they did to these nar units.

  4. I know it was abandoned pretty early, but looking at that rail and the lack of ballast, i’d almost guess some part of the old Lac La Biche sub. (Fedorah to Egremont)
    Another Great photo!!

  5. @ Steve – It looks like they even masked off what was painted, no over spray, nice tidy lines. Not a black patch with white CN letters within, all hand bombed. Minimization at it’s best. :-)
    @ bcr – That will be the 85lb rail that was used north of the north connecting track switch, (just south of Egremont). This spot here is about a 1/2 mile north of Egremont, on the heavier track. Back at this time, only ten hundreds were allowed on the abandoned portion (60lb rail) when cars were being stored on it.

  6. Yes, it’s very nice. Most of the recent CN purchases have had pretty haphazard mark removals.

    Some however weren’t too bad… (Montreal)

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