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Enough already of those square red noses !...how 'bout some curves with white and red stripes...ah the seventies...Grand Funk Railroad...AC/DC...Aerosmith...Eagles...Rolling Stones (well every decade before & after)...Styx...Boston...Pink Floyd...Led Zeppelin...Who...Queen...Deep Purple....CP equipment on the CN Super Continental....May 12, 1979 the VIA Rail #2 is on the Severn River bridge, except for that steam generator and that repainted ex CN coach, an ex CP consist....note the Manor sleeping car in crew dorm service....and a rare sight two ex CP Angus Shops built 2200 series coaches in VIA service....ex CP Rail F's 1432 – 1404 are on the CN Bala Subdivision approach CN Washago....then onto the CN Newmarket to serve Orillia, Barrie, Newmarket and St. Clair Avenue stations and the last VIA Canadian served those stations June 16, 1979 !  Kodacolour II negative by S.Danko.

More stainless steel: 

  simply the best
Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: Enough already of those square red noses !...how 'bout some curves with white and red stripes...ah the seventies...Grand Funk Railroad...AC/DC...Aerosmith...Eagles...Rolling Stones (well every decade before & after)...Styx...Boston...Pink Floyd...Led Zeppelin...Who...Queen...Deep Purple....CP equipment on the CN Super Continental....May 12, 1979 the VIA Rail #2 is on the Severn River bridge, except for that steam generator and that repainted ex CN coach, an ex CP consist....note the Manor sleeping car in crew dorm service....and a rare sight two ex CP Angus Shops built 2200 series coaches in VIA service....ex CP Rail F's 1432 – 1404 are on the CN Bala Subdivision approach CN Washago....then onto the CN Newmarket to serve Orillia, Barrie, Newmarket and St. Clair Avenue stations and the last VIA Canadian served those stations June 16, 1979 ! Kodacolour II negative by S.Danko.

More stainless steel:

simply the best

sdfourty [725] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/12/1979 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 1432 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 2 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Washago (search)
City/Town: Washago (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=9804
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Photo ID: 8849

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One Comment
  1. Oh my – great tunes and great views ;) If only I had a time machine.. :) Thanks for sharing!

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