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Engine maintenance facilities, always an opportunity !

 Especially old facilities. On dreary winter days.

Several TH&B units present including the GP- 7 #72 ( the future CP Rail #1682, retired 2011) coupled to GP- 9 #401 (the future CP Rail #1688, retired 2013 (!)) ; and right centre an unknown TH&B geep with an unknown GMD built CP Rail unit in the back ground.

No specific date for this black & white negative, a guess would be circa 1976 or 1977. I believe all the structures ( coal towers, fuel storage, and in the background the roundhouse ) shown here are history.

B & W negative, at Hamilton,  by S.Danko.


Just envision – at one time – that the TH&B Aberdeen Yard was a prime candidate for an operational steam and rail museum given the  facilities: concrete (solid fuel) coaling towers, (liquid) fuel storage, turntable, brick roundhouse - Chatham Street ( demolished 1991) , mechanical shop(s), rail yard for storage, a  wye and most importantly a lightly used branch line (Waterford Subdivision) with a  westward grade to Summit, as well as access to a mainline with a heavy grade eastward up the escarpment. [ imagine a modern heavy Pacific (or  Northern (!)) tackling the Welland Subdivision eastward to Smithville ( then onto Dunnville branch ( the Erie & Ontario Railway))] !

More TH&B:


  extra east   

  Shwa Turn  

  great shot !  

Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: Engine maintenance facilities, always an opportunity !

Especially old facilities. On dreary winter days.

Several TH&B units present including the GP- 7 #72 ( the future CP Rail #1682, retired 2011) coupled to GP- 9 #401 (the future CP Rail #1688, retired 2013 (!)) ; and right centre an unknown TH&B geep with an unknown GMD built CP Rail unit in the back ground.

No specific date for this black & white negative, a guess would be circa 1976 or 1977. I believe all the structures ( coal towers, fuel storage, and in the background the roundhouse ) shown here are history.

B & W negative, at Hamilton, by S.Danko.


Just envision – at one time – that the TH&B Aberdeen Yard was a prime candidate for an operational steam and rail museum given the facilities: concrete (solid fuel) coaling towers, (liquid) fuel storage, turntable, brick roundhouse - Chatham Street ( demolished 1991) , mechanical shop(s), rail yard for storage, a wye and most importantly a lightly used branch line (Waterford Subdivision) with a westward grade to Summit, as well as access to a mainline with a heavy grade eastward up the escarpment. [ imagine a modern heavy Pacific (or Northern (!)) tackling the Welland Subdivision eastward to Smithville ( then onto Dunnville branch ( the Erie & Ontario Railway))] !

More TH&B:


extra east

Shwa Turn

great shot !


sdfourty [724] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/xx/1977 (search)
Railway: Toronto Hamilton and Buffalo (search)
Reporting Marks: TH&B #72 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Aberdeen Yard (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=17756
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Photo ID: 16665

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Sure doesn’t seem like almost, gasp, 40 years ago, does it??
    Nice nostalgic view for us who remember.

  2. It does to me Arnold. Wasn’t even born yet ;0

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