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End of the line. Conrail ELDW-6 (Elkhart IN-Detroit/Windsor) with GP40-2 3340 and SD40-2 6442 stops at the South end of Track 5 in the Electric Yard, named so due to being in 3rd Rail electrified territory during the steam era. The American crew will then cut off and return light engines back to West Detroit.  The Electric Yard was numbered tracks 1, 3, 5, 7 and Short 9 (Switching lead) on the East side of the pole line. Tracks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 were on the West side although only tracks 2 and 10 remain at this time. The cars in the distance on the right are in the CR-CP Interchange tracks. Taken Feb 27th 1985 just two months before CN-CP will take over the Conrail trackage (CASO) in Southern Ontario.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David J Parker all rights reserved.

Caption: End of the line. Conrail ELDW-6 (Elkhart IN-Detroit/Windsor) with GP40-2 3340 and SD40-2 6442 stops at the South end of Track 5 in the Electric Yard, named so due to being in 3rd Rail electrified territory during the steam era. The American crew will then cut off and return light engines back to West Detroit. The Electric Yard was numbered tracks 1, 3, 5, 7 and Short 9 (Switching lead) on the East side of the pole line. Tracks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 were on the West side although only tracks 2 and 10 remain at this time. The cars in the distance on the right are in the CR-CP Interchange tracks. Taken Feb 27th 1985 just two months before CN-CP will take over the Conrail trackage (CASO) in Southern Ontario.

David J Parker [132] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/27/1985 (search)
Railway: Conrail (search)
Reporting Marks: CR3340-CR6442 (search)
Train Symbol: ELDW-6 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Windsor Yard (search)
City/Town: Windsor (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43705
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Photo ID: 42483

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  1. Wild. So Conrail did operate a through freight terminating in Canada in 1985. Did this end when cn cp took over?

  2. Cool image, really great

  3. Steve. After the CN-CP takeover, Conrail ran directly into the CP Yard via the loop track.
    The train was now a yard job symbolled
    YDLV-20 or just LV-20 for short from Livernois, or YDRR-20 or RR-20 from River Rouge. CN and CR did not interchange in Windsor, CN had a 570 job that went to GTW Flat Rock and lifted/set-off at River Rouge.

  4. Is this the yard at the Tecumseh Road jog?

  5. This is now CN Van De Water Yard adjacent to South Cameron Ave.

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