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During one of my many trips through I detoured off the highway & over to the rail yards. This time spotted CN 4609 sitting there. I knew that this was an old NAR unit by it's colors, & I knew that it was a rare site in the Kelowna area so I took 4 photographs of it. Three from ground level, & this one from the top of a little hill. How long it stayed in BC or on CN's roster I have no idea, but it's name means more today then it did then.
Copyright Notice: This image ©James Booth all rights reserved.

Caption: During one of my many trips through I detoured off the highway & over to the rail yards. This time spotted CN 4609 sitting there. I knew that this was an old NAR unit by it's colors, & I knew that it was a rare site in the Kelowna area so I took 4 photographs of it. Three from ground level, & this one from the top of a little hill. How long it stayed in BC or on CN's roster I have no idea, but it's name means more today then it did then.

James Booth [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/05/1988 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4609 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Kelowna (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=24889
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Photo ID: 23740

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. It only had two more years to go like that: CN would rebuild her as slug 259 in 1990. Most of the ex-NAR GP9′s ended up as slugs (only 4 rebuilt as GP9RM’s).

  2. MrDan Thanks for your reply. Of the 4 ex-NAR locomotives rebuilt as GP9RM’s I managed to photograph 3 of them in Lloydminster AB a few years back. Watching them jump, & pull was a joy.

  3. I always enjoyed photographing this engine as it passed through Redwater on it’s way to Fort McMurray. What a great idea the NAR had personalizing their fleet with names. :-)

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