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Down at the Depot: It's a busy scene at the Canadian Pacific station in Galt Ontario, at 13:15 on a cold February day in 1958. Train 38 is on the station track, the rear car of which is visible. On the next track over, a westbound freight is about to leave behind an FA1 leader and RS unit trailing. The steam locomotive in the background is CPR 2-8-2 5135, waiting for repairs. On the far left is overhead catenary for CP subsidiary Grand River Railway's electric operations. Beside the station, a CP Transport Twin Coach bus is waiting for passengers going to Preston and Kitchener.  Today the steam, first generation diesels, passenger trains, electric motors and buses are gone, but the station remains - still in use by the CPR!
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: Down at the Depot: It's a busy scene at the Canadian Pacific station in Galt Ontario, at 13:15 on a cold February day in 1958. Train 38 is on the station track, the rear car of which is visible. On the next track over, a westbound freight is about to leave behind an FA1 leader and RS unit trailing. The steam locomotive in the background is CPR 2-8-2 5135, waiting for repairs. On the far left is overhead catenary for CP subsidiary Grand River Railway's electric operations. Beside the station, a CP Transport Twin Coach bus is waiting for passengers going to Preston and Kitchener. Today the steam, first generation diesels, passenger trains, electric motors and buses are gone, but the station remains - still in use by the CPR!

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 1958 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: CP 38 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Galt Station - CP Galt Sub (search)
City/Town: Galt (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=22003
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Photo ID: 20869

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  1. Just remarkable, Bill.

  2. Amazing.. the only thing missing is the juice of an Electric Lines motor… and yet it’s still amazing!

  3. Wonderful!

  4. Excellent shot, Bill.

  5. Classic shot! The FA1 is likely one of CP 4025-4027, they were delivered with centre-mounted Nathan 5-chime M5 horns, not too many CP units had those.

  6. Perfect combination of vintage RR elements.

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