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Do you like me? is what I imagine this engine would say in this photo. GO 647 is shown with a 14 car (!) GO train at Burlington Station, with the heavily modified GO 647 in the lead. First built in 2010 as a MP40PH-3C, 647 was sent back in 2013 to MPI for conversion to tier 4, which MPI calls the MP54AC. But it's probably not the same as a true MP54AC and is likely to be a one-off.
What was done? The EMD 710 engine was removed (Oh the horror!) two Cummins QSK60 engines have been installed (Total 5400 HP) the body heavily modified to allow for the extra exhaust stacks and air intake grilles, control systems modified.. a true MP54AC would also change the traction motors to AC but I have been informed this wasn't changed in this unit, which means this may be the only DC powered MP54 - would this be A MP54DC in this case? Either way, there are 17 or so more of these coming, but all will be built from the ground up instead of re-powered like the 647. It's yet to be seen if GO Transit will elect to bother with AC traction in the new models or continue with DC, surely like any locomotive these will simply be 'options'. 
This train was a GO break-in and testing run for 647, over this weekend they ran with the 14 car train set (2 extra cars to simulate a fully loaded train) at speeds up to 90-MPH, to assess braking, stopping distance, acceleration and station to station performance. The train also uncoupled half the train to test under lighter loading conditions or with shorter trains. Metrolinx would then surely decide if they indeed liked 647.. or not.. only time will tell what their decision is!
What did it sound like?.. to put it mildly... a truck. Quite underwhelming, but not unexpected. Personally, I don't care for it. 
So.. do you like this engine? What do you think? Comment below. P.S: This engine is likely to enter service this month if not already.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Do you like me? is what I imagine this engine would say in this photo. GO 647 is shown with a 14 car (!) GO train at Burlington Station, with the heavily modified GO 647 in the lead. First built in 2010 as a MP40PH-3C, 647 was sent back in 2013 to MPI for conversion to tier 4, which MPI calls the MP54AC. But it's probably not the same as a true MP54AC and is likely to be a one-off.

What was done? The EMD 710 engine was removed (Oh the horror!) two Cummins QSK60 engines have been installed (Total 5400 HP) the body heavily modified to allow for the extra exhaust stacks and air intake grilles, control systems modified.. a true MP54AC would also change the traction motors to AC but I have been informed this wasn't changed in this unit, which means this may be the only DC powered MP54 - would this be A MP54DC in this case? Either way, there are 17 or so more of these coming, but all will be built from the ground up instead of re-powered like the 647. It's yet to be seen if GO Transit will elect to bother with AC traction in the new models or continue with DC, surely like any locomotive these will simply be 'options'.

This train was a GO break-in and testing run for 647, over this weekend they ran with the 14 car train set (2 extra cars to simulate a fully loaded train) at speeds up to 90-MPH, to assess braking, stopping distance, acceleration and station to station performance. The train also uncoupled half the train to test under lighter loading conditions or with shorter trains. Metrolinx would then surely decide if they indeed liked 647.. or not.. only time will tell what their decision is!

What did it sound like?.. to put it mildly... a truck. Quite underwhelming, but not unexpected.

So.. do you like this engine? What do you think? Comment below. P.S: This engine is likely to enter service this month if not already.

Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/13/2015 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 647 (search)
Train Symbol: 713 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Oakville Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=22592
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  1. Based on the above info, I don’t really care for these units.

  2. The sound of the MP40′s was what originally got me off my feat. EMD 710′s mixed with sweet sounding Nathan K5LA’s. They’ve been replaced with foul sounding so called K5LLA’s for some reason. Now some are gonna sound like trucks? Yikes, I miss pre-2010′s GO.

  3. 14 damn cars.

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