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Deep in the depths of industrial Hamilton, one can find some interesting critters. This is or was the Railcare GE 45tonne locomotive, built in 1956, serial number 32535, per 2014 Trackside guide. Since this photo, Genesee and Wyoming has purchased Railcare and now use some of their facility as an engine shop. I have not seen this engine in a while - but I suspect it's still there somewhere. Railcare is located around the bend at left - this area was once more accessible, but the ever tightening marine port security and of course, US Steel security probably make this a difficult proposition even five years later.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Deep in the depths of industrial Hamilton, one can find some interesting critters. This is or was the Railcare GE 45tonne locomotive, built in 1956, serial number 32535, per 2014 Trackside guide. Since this photo, Genesee and Wyoming has purchased Railcare and now use some of their facility as an engine shop. I have not seen this engine in a while - but I suspect it's still there somewhere. Railcare is located around the bend at right, curving behind the left building in a fan of tracks - this area was once more accessible, but the ever tightening marine port security and of course, US Steel security probably make this a difficult proposition even five years later.

Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/23/2010 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=20040
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  1. Very cool shot Steve.

  2. Thanks JP and gang.

  3. I saw this unit yesterday

  4. Oh interesting – was it in operation?

    I know it’s still down there.. curious if anyone finds it moving.

  5. No not in operation unfortunately. It was sitting in behind City Kidz. Very nice picture by the way!

  6. Thank you – That’s the location of the SOR and Railcare shops – I hadn’t seen it since 2008 and noticed it again in January this year.

    You may have seen RC 759 – Black unit with yellow handrails now with a G&W Logo on it – this is their current shop switcher. It’s rather ugly (I’m not a huge fan of it) but what’s neat is it’s probably G&W’s oldest unit on the roster. Built in 1926 formerly owned by Hydro Electric Power Commission – was probably an electric motor used on an interurban and/or for Welland Canal construction, made it’s way to Stelco (there were two of these) and has been kitbashed three times since then

    I don’t know who applied the current kitbash cab. I prefer the 45 tonner above in appearance :)

  7. Very interesting. Thanks for the info, Stephen. I didn’t see that other unit but I will keep me eyes peeled. I do occasional drives through the industrial area with an eye for odd gems such as this.

  8. Another note is this photo was only possible as I was at the “War Memorial” which at the time was on the “public” side of the Stelco gate. They didn’t mind if you were there to see the memorial…. happened to be there when a train was working…

    now the memorial is on the wrong side as the moved the gate forward.

    Of course the building is now gone.

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