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CSX train R320 with CSX GP38 2012 and CSX SD40-2 8060 with C&O caboose #904121 are paused by the iconic former CASO station in St. Thomas during a humid August 1993 day. The train is seen meeting CSX R321 with CSX C40-8W’s 7737 and 7694 with C&O caboose 904125, much to the delight of those attending the weekend St. Thomas railway day's festivities.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) all rights reserved.

Caption: CSX train R320 with CSX GP38 2012 and CSX SD40-2 8060 with C&O caboose #904121 are paused by the iconic former CASO station in St. Thomas during a humid August 1993 day. The train is seen meeting CSX R321 with CSX C40-8W’s 7737 and 7694 with C&O caboose 904125, much to the delight of those attending the weekend St. Thomas railway day's festivities.

Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) [1027] (more) (contact)
Date: August 29, 1993 (search)
Railway: CSX Transportation (search)
Reporting Marks: CSX 2012 CSX 7737 (search)
Train Symbol: CSX R320 & CSX R321 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: St. Thomas Station CASO Subdivision (search)
City/Town: St. Thomas (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50789
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Photo ID: 49498

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  1. Wicked

  2. So Amazing

  3. Wow…. no wonder this was photographed by so many. Can you explain what happened operationally?

  4. Thanks for all the comments everyone.

    Here is some background from a previous post of the same train on railpictures.ca.

    December 28, 2019 at 12:10 pm
    Your photo date would indicate this was a Sunday.
    Hence R320 would tie up here and not go to Buffalo. By this timeframe it was only M-W-F operation over the ‘ east end ‘.
    And since R321 had returned from Buffalo the day previous, then R321 this day would simply leave St Thomas ‘ cab hop’ to Fargo, where he would pickup all the traffic off the North end and continue to Windsor, and Detroit.

  5. Thank you Bruce again :) Wish I could have seen some of this!

  6. This is great – thanks for posting – fills some holes in my notes for the day!!

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