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CSX 2799 and CSX 2651 are seen here shoving into Sarnia Yard with 80+ cars they picked up from CN on a pleasant late winter day. This area is often tight with security from the nearby refineries, however during the COVID lockdowns there seemed to be a lack of human activity in the area, making it more comfortable to shoot trains.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Myles Roach all rights reserved.

Caption: CSX 2799 and CSX 2651 are seen here shoving into Sarnia Yard with 80+ cars they picked up from CN on a pleasant late winter day. This area is often tight with security from the nearby refineries, however during the COVID lockdowns there seemed to be a lack of human activity in the area, making it more comfortable to shoot trains.

Myles Roach [201] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/12/2021 (search)
Railway: CSX Transportation (search)
Reporting Marks: CSX 2799 (search)
Train Symbol: Y120 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: MP 68.9 CSX Sarnia Sub. (search)
City/Town: Sarnia (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50837
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Photo ID: 49546

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  1. Very nice, Miss the Gp38′s.

    There’s little to no security to worry about near former DOW now unlike in 2004 when I was called in for shooting in this spot (SOO leader too)

    Then again the post 9/11 era people were jumpy everywhere. that didn’t really cool off until the 2010′s.

  2. This was about 3 weeks before the invasion of the SpongeBob’s.

    The crossing at Churchill is a nice spot to sit, used to get kicked out of there even after DOW closed, but yeah things have cooled off.

  3. Churchill is a private road, so it makes sense. But they must be paying far less for security now :)

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