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CSX 2002 is teamed up with CSX grey GP38 #2015 as they rest on the southeast connection to the CP yard in Chatham, Ontario.  At this time you can see that the CSX shops had re-applied the "B&O" on the cab if you compare this shot to the one taken in March of 1994.  Also of note is the white square on the step guard behind the cab which states, "DO NOT DISMANTLE.  On Release from service hold for shipment to the B&O Museum via Locust Point, Baltimore.  Contact Museum at (410) 752-2388 or J.H. Horvatter Jr. CSXT JAX Ext. 1883".  Funny that this instruction wasn't followed as 2002 became CSX MOW Pumpkin 9699 and was nearly sold off until someone caught the mistake and got the unit transferred to the museum.  Thankfully you can now go see here in all her former beauty as B&O 3802 again at the B&O Museum.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Geoff Elliott all rights reserved.

Caption: CSX 2002 is teamed up with CSX grey GP38 #2015 as they rest on the southeast connection to the CP yard in Chatham, Ontario. At this time you can see that the CSX shops had re-applied the "B&O" on the cab if you compare this shot to the one taken in March of 1994. Also of note is the white square on the step guard behind the cab which states, "DO NOT DISMANTLE. On Release from service hold for shipment to the B&O Museum via Locust Point, Baltimore. Contact Museum at (410) 752-2388 or J.H. Horvatter Jr. CSXT JAX Ext. 1883". Funny that this instruction wasn't followed as 2002 became CSX MOW Pumpkin 9699 and was nearly sold off until someone caught the mistake and got the unit transferred to the museum. Thankfully you can now go see here in all her former beauty as B&O 3802 again at the B&O Museum.

Geoff Elliott [774] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/03/1995 (search)
Railway: CSX Transportation (search)
Reporting Marks: CSX 2002 (search)
Train Symbol: Chatham Yard (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CSX Sarnia Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Chatham (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=17217
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