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CPR 1057.  The remains of a beautiful locomotive, sit silently at the South Simcoe Railway yard in Tottenham.  Presumably a part source for 136, this engine was retired because the engineer thought it was not a good engine to run (according to my sources).  RIP 1057.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jacob Patterson all rights reserved.

Caption: CPR 1057. The remains of a beautiful locomotive, sit silently at the South Simcoe Railway yard in Tottenham. Presumably a part source for 136, this engine was retired because the engineer thought it was not a good engine to run (according to my sources). RIP 1057.

Jacob Patterson [584] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/29/2013 (search)
Railway: Tourist (search)
Reporting Marks: SSR 1057 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Beeton Sub. (search)
City/Town: Tottenham (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=19203
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  1. Probably just stored until eventual overhauling, with all the neat bits removed to prevent never-do-wells from removing them. 136 and 1057 are two different models of steam locomotive, so there would be little if any common parts between the two.

  2. When 1057 was running, I was told it used a lot more coal so 136 was the preferred engine

  3. Thanks for posting this image, Jacob. After so many years, it was great to see a shot of #1057! I was inspired to search out and visit the South Simcoe Railway web site. I was disappointed that I found very sparse information there. Is it possible that someone knowledgeable with the current status of #1057 could provide an update? I’m sure that I’m not the only viewer who is curious and interested.

    Btw… I think it is Awesome to see some younger photographers submitting their work here on RPca!

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