Caption: CP train 138 (with CSXT 7587) is making a lift of some fresh Toyotas on the CP Waterloo subdivision. The CN sign may confuse - but the track on the right is the CN Fergus spur and "CN Finnegan" indicates essentialy the end of the Fergus spur and switch with CP. This CN track runs about 16 miles to Guelph, Ontario and about 2 miles is/was leased from CN for outbound Toyota storage, while the rest of the track is the GEXR Fergus spur and is used to service the plant in the background, Babcock and Wilcox, for occasional shipments. This scene is no longer possible as a road overpass and railway lowering has occured, the sign and much of this track has been removed or relocated, and trains now lift/setoff at Wolverton yard.
Well done Steve…great composition in this one! You had me confused until I read the info on the shot.
Thanks — confusion was the whole point of the photo anyway
Oh and the middle stub end track on the right also seems to be part of the CN Fergus spur.
fyi track on the left (where cp 138 is) is cpr Waterloo subdivision
I wonder where this sign ended up.