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CP Rail FP7 4075 leads a short consist of #11 "The Canadian" (Toronto-Sudbury) northbound on the MacTier Sub near Medonte. A single F-unit was usually enough to handle the short #11/12 consists in the later years of CP operation, as the consists weren't very long off-peak (usually only having a Skyline dome, and no Park car). An old steel rounded-side baggage painted silver to match the previous livery trails the power, followed by a "bare bones" consist of a baggage-dorm, coach, Skyline dome, dining car, and possibly a sleeper or two (cut off).

The exact location of the train was not noted other then Medonte. It was shot from a road by a crossing (out of frame to the left). With the curve in the line it sort of seems like the crossing at Upper Big Chute Road south of Severn Falls, but it's hard to say for sure.

Barry Schroeder photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Barry Schroeder photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll all rights reserved.

Caption: CP Rail FP7 4075 leads a short consist of #11 "The Canadian" (Toronto-Sudbury) around a curve northbound on the MacTier Sub near Medonte. A single F-unit was usually enough to handle the short #11/12 consists in the later years of CP operation, as the consists weren't very long off-peak (usually only having a Skyline dome, and no Park car. The Vancouver-Montreal #1/2 that met up with it featured a Park car). An old steel rounded-side baggage painted silver to match the previous livery trails the power, followed by a "bare bones" consist of a baggage-dorm, coach, Skyline dome, dining car, and possibly a sleeper or two (cut off).

The exact location of the train was not noted other than Medonte. It was shot from a road by a crossing (out of frame to the left). With the curve in the line it sort of seems like the crossing at Upper Big Chute Road south of Severn Falls, but it's hard to say for sure.

Barry Schroeder photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

Barry Schroeder photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll [1017] (more) (contact)
Date: Circa September 1975 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 4075 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 11 - The Canadian (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Medonte - CP MacTier sub (search)
City/Town: Medonte (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54304
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Photo ID: 52985

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One Comment
  1. This might be approaching Town Line Road.

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