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CP Rail  DRS-17B 8544  built in 1955 sits among other vintage rail cars,MOW and cabooses sits on a fenced siding near Aldersyde Alberta. If anyone knows the future of this engine please feel free to add a comment.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dave Turcotte all rights reserved.

Caption: CP Rail DRS-17B 8544 built in 1955 sits among other vintage rail cars,MOW and cabooses sits on a fenced siding near Aldersyde Alberta. If anyone knows the future of this engine please feel free to add a comment.

Dave Turcotte [12] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/22/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: 8544 (search)
Train Symbol: Cp rail (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Aldersyde (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=36044
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  1. Nice find!

    It’s actually 8554 though and it’s been held on to by CP for 40+ years! Also its an H16-44, so the class wouldn’t be DRS-17. Lets hope somebody dose something proactive with it someday.

  2. Would it run? Surprised it hasn’t been scrapped.

  3. That is the old gas plant at Mazeppa, east of Aldersyde. The last time I drove by, there was a DM&E business car and a CP caboose on the east leg of the wye. I think that they were destined for the Aspen Crossing tourist operation at Mossleigh, Alberta.

  4. Hi Robin and Matt , You are right it i s at the Mazeppa Gas Plant east of Aldersyde and l apologize it is 8554 and is an H16-44 . I know Jason in Mossleigh of Aspen Crossing, l will have to ask him.I have pics of all the other cars you listed but l didn’t think anyone was interested ,as l am knew to this site. I also know Justin of CPR who is in charge of their Vintage Fleet. I will keep posting when l find out more.

  5. I hope the stacks have been capped. Who owns this beautiful relic?

  6. I’m still amazed how few of these are in active service anywhere… even in museums. Only the Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad seems to operate a Baldwin. and even then it’s sporadically available for photography.

  7. 8554 is not a Baldwin. It is a Fairbanks-Morse.

  8. latest news from Mazeppa…………on Saturday, I drove to Mossleigh and noticed that all of his VIA-painted rolling stock were gone. They weren’t visible anywhere and, when I got to Mazeppa, it was crawling with private security guards. I asked what was going on and they said it was a “Government site” (?) and all rolling stock was sent to Mossleigh except this unit and the ex-BC Rail robot car in the C-liner b-unit body. They were “going for scrap” as he put it. When I told him that there weren’t any of the Aspen Crossing pieces that were at Mazeppain Mossleigh, he said that maybe they were stored out in the middle of nowhere between Blackie and Mazeppa on the single track. I hope someone, somewhere can save the H-liner!

  9. Ray thank you – forgive me, I’ve never seen any Diesel FM or Baldwin locomotives in service.. ever.. thus the confusion. Is there anywhere we can find a FM diesel in service anywhere? Even in a museum?

    I’ll note other than E&LS, the SMS lines in New Jersey is what OSR to Alco’s , SMS is to Balwdins: http://www.smsrail.com/

    is there anything even remotely close to this for Fairbanks-Morse technology? I’m leading to think no.. but i’d love to find out.

  10. 4104 was restored to full operating condition at Ogden in 2006 paid for by its private owner. Presently sitting in Nelson waiting to be displayed at the restored ex CPR Nelson diesel shop.


    4065 long stored out of sight at NMS&T in Ottawa. Never restored. Ex CLC Demo 7006.

  11. These were apparently scrapped in December 2023 (Yesterday/today?)

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