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CP Rail C424's 4236 and 4229 lead train #90 "The Moonlight" southbound on the Owen Sound Sub in the late morning, rolling through the northern portion of Brampton enroute Streetsville and the Galt Sub. The train is seen here south of Snelgrove about to cross Bovaird Drive, passing the Armbro Construction yard near the Armbro Lead (that doesn't appear to have served Armbro itself, instead nearby Vulsay Industries). Some OCS work cars appear to be on the head end.

Peter Jobe photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Peter Jobe photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: CP Rail C424's 4236 and 4229 lead train #90 "The Moonlight" southbound on the Owen Sound Sub in the late morning, rolling through the northern portion of Brampton enroute to Streetsville and the Galt Sub. The train is seen here south of Snelgrove about to cross Bovaird Drive, passing the Armbro Construction yard near the Armbro Lead (that doesn't appear to have served Armbro itself, instead nearby Vulsay Industries). Some OCS work cars appear to be tagging along on the head end.

Of note, CP 4229 was the final C424 in the earlier 5" stripe scheme. It survived its early 80's DRF-to-DRS modification without getting a repaint like most of the others did. 4236 also sports oddball CP freight car font numberboards.

Peter Jobe photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

Peter Jobe photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1014] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/28/1986 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 4236, 4229 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 90 "The Moonlight" (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Snelgrove - CP Owen Sound Sub (search)
City/Town: Brampton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51557
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