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CP Canadian
Copyright Notice: This image ©David M. More photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: A year since her stint as the trailing AM Road unit pulling Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor on their cross-country adventure in the 1976 movie "Silver Streak", CP FP7 4067 is seen accelerating northbound out of Woodbridge on point of train #11, the Toronto-Sudbury portion of "The Canadian". Playing second billing is a 4470-series F9B, ahead of a "complete" consist of nine 1950's stainless steel Budd cars (including a Skyline dome and Park dome-observation car punctuating the rear, the latter often nixed from #11/12 consists in later years). In another year CP's Canadian would be handed over to VIA Rail, and rerouted off the MacTier Subdivision onto CN's neighbouring line (see some of Steve Danko's wonderful post-CP shots).

Passenger service at Woodbridge (whose station was located north of downtown by the railway crossing off Kipling Avenue) ended in 1968, so #11 is highballing north on the MacTier from Toronto until its first stop at Bolton. Our location here is at Woodbridge siding's north siding switch, at Langstaff Avenue on the outskirts of Vaughan (today known as "Burbidge" in CP timetables, named after a retired CP executive). Boxcars sit on the back track siding in the distance for the nearby Woodbridge Foam Corporation (manufacturer of automobile interior components). In the 1990's Burbidge was the dividing point between Canadian Pacific's north and western lines, and their newly formed eastern subsidiary St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway (that they planned to spin off at one point due to poor performance). The surrounding farmers fields have since been replaced by suburban housing, and Langstaff Avenue underpass upgraded to a wider and more modern concrete span. The signal and siding switch have recently been removed (2021?), but there's rumours of extending double tracking from here to Elder (Vaughan Intermodal Terminal).

David M. More photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

David M. More photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1007] (more) (contact)
Date: Circa August 1977 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 4067, 447x (search)
Train Symbol: CP 11 "The Canadian" (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Woodbridge - CP MacTier Sub (search)
City/Town: Vaughan (Woodbridge) (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=47972
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  1. Pretty shot for sure. …

  2. this shot was on my bucket list, glad someone at least got it! (albeit 45 years before I even thought about it!!!)

  3. cp5756, when the business train ran back out west in October, someone put in an appearance to shoot CP 1401 leading north at the exact same spot…

  4. Having worked on a couple of slides, that is a beautiful job you did with the sky, and, skies are typically a large part of a photo. Thank you for the devotion of your time. :-)

  5. Thanks Brundle, colour-wise some slides need a bit more tweaking than others!

  6. Sorry, I wasn’t to clear, I’m referring to the cleanliness. When zoomed in, you can’t find a speck of dust anywhere. Either a very clean slide/neg (which I have found unusual in my 64k slides) or some time was spent cleaning them off. I expect the latter. :-)

  7. Oh yes, usually before I scan slides, I blow them off and (if needed) gently wipe the film with a felt cloth to get any stuck-on dust particles off. Then every edit I do gets a thorough dust cleaning in Photoshop.

  8. test

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