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Was this taken at Wesimiller’s? There used to be a switch there I believe. I’m thinking where that switch is. There is one further up the line at 169 but there’s no pavement next to the tracks there that I know of. Very nice!
Correct just past the signals for the South switch from Wesimiller’s lot/street! I’m not sure about any switch/track there other than the backtrack, it would have been before my time. I’ve never noticed the switch you’re talking about by 169 but am curious where exactly?
The switch is just West of 169 at Spiers Lake from where the single track turns to double track. If I recall correctly, I think Wesimiller had their own spur. Bala 169 was a great spot to railfan/shoot as you could run from either CP or CN if you heard a train coming on either. Even better when I had a bike. Thanks for the memories MuskokaMoFo!