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Great shot, I saw that movement a few times. A few memories of my days living in Jarvis and as a Signal Foreman. The box car on the right is the Cable and Supply Car for Signal Gang #6, the Tool Car a black/white stripe former CN Baggage Car was coupled to it.
Two thumbs up !!
Nice shot! CN, CP, N&W. Always lots of action at Jarvis back in the day.
Started my full-time CN career in Jarvis as a section man in 1971. Per Terry’s comment, your pic brings back lots of memories from that era. Those curtains hanging in the sunlit window were made by my mom for the Roadmaster’s (Dad’s) office.
Thanks guys for all the informative comments!
This is great. Was this routing what was used until it stopped? I believe this required the “new” connector from the LE&N to get here.
I should brush up on John Eull’s TH&B HS article, find my copy….
I beleive it was this route to the end but i’m not 100% sure!
I believe CP switched to getting to Nanticoke via Welland then the CASO to Hagersville. This happened after the washout on the Waterford Sub near Brantford in 1986.
What a train… thank you for clarification.