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Conrail 7436 was the first Canadian assigned unit to receive Conrail Blue Paint and Decals. Note that the first few Locos painted in Canada received a special Canadian Paint Scheme which included red bell and horns, White wall Tires and Brunswick Green Battery Boxes. After a visit from US Conrail Brass this Custom paint Scheme Disappeared.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Larry Broadbent all rights reserved.

Caption: Conrail 7436 was the first Canadian assigned unit to receive Conrail Blue Paint and Decals. Note that the first few Locos painted in Canada received a special Canadian Paint Scheme which included red bell and horns, White wall Tires and Brunswick Green Battery Boxes. After a visit from US Conrail Brass this Custom paint Scheme Disappeared.

Larry Broadbent [65] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/76 (search)
Railway: Conrail (search)
Reporting Marks: CR 7436 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: MCRR Loco Shop (search)
City/Town: St Thomas (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=27297
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  1. Lovely. A class act – I wish there was more Canadian pride in our US railroads in Canada – they try hard but – you don’t see a Canadian Flag on CSX Property…

  2. I was directly involved in having the first signs of the new “era” purchased and erected at Clifford St in Sarnia and in Chatham. That was 1991 and Division people in Livonia wanted every facility to have a Safety sign nearest the publicly travelled roadways. I made sure, along with the in-house logos for Safety, that a maple leaf ended up in a prominent location.
    I would imagine one of two things have changed since then – the signs are gone or they were reconfigured without a leaf.

  3. I will check my photos, new signage has been erected all over and I think all the old signs removed as of the last few months. My comments are with respect to 2016, there was certainly some maple leafs to be seen in the past :)

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