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Commuter Chaos. At the height of evening rush hour, GO trains are coming and going every which way out of Union Station. At Bathurst Street, GO cab car 235 leads the first evening Bradford line (not extended to Barrie yet) train, #801, out of downtown Toronto on its way to Parkdale and up the Newmarket Sub. GO 215 leads Lakeshore West train #479 out of the Flyunder, destined for Mississauga, Oakville and Burlington. On the left, Bathurst North Yard is emptying as trains that have laid over the afternoon depart for Union Station, where they will load weary commuters heading home north, west and east of Toronto.
Copyright Notice: This image ©MrDanMofo all rights reserved.

Caption: Commuter Chaos. At the height of evening rush hour, GO trains are coming and going every which way out of Union Station. At Bathurst Street, GO cab car 235 leads the first evening Bradford line (not extended to Barrie yet) train, #801, out of downtown Toronto on its way to Parkdale and up the Newmarket Sub. GO 215 leads Lakeshore West train #479 out of the Flyunder, destined for Mississauga, Oakville and Burlington. On the left, Bathurst North Yard is emptying as trains that have laid over the afternoon depart for Union Station, where they will load weary commuters heading home north, west and east of Toronto.

MrDanMofo [1021] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/29/2007 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 235 (search)
Train Symbol: GO 801 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Bathurst Street/USRC (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=10749
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  1. What’s the story of the single windowed cab cars? I’ve wondered this for quite some time…

  2. Hunter, all the original bilevel cab cars were equipped with a small cab for just the engineer on one side of the car, as shown on 235.

    Starting with car 242, they were delivered with a more modern “full” cab to allow two or more crewmembers to ride up front, hence the other window. Older cars were retrofitting with this (and the second window) as they were refurbished.

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