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CN's Sioux Lookout, ON station is looking grand in this late winter shot. It was rather cool walking in the shadow of VIA #2's consist as I made my way down the platform to grab as many photos as possible during the scheduled stop. Many of the passengers stepped off the train and got right back on after getting a quick breath of the frosty cold air.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: CN's Sioux Lookout, ON station is looking grand in this late winter shot. It was rather cool walking in the shadow of VIA #2's consist as I made my way down the platform to grab as many photos as possible during the scheduled stop. Many of the passengers stepped off the train and got right back on after getting a quick breath of the frosty cold air.

Paul O'Shell [442] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/09/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: n/a (search)
Train Symbol: VIA #2 The Canadian (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Sioux Lookout/Allanwater Sub. Mile 138.9 (search)
City/Town: Sioux Lookout (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49847
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Photo ID: 48562

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  1. A nice sunny day for stretching the legs on the platform. The station is looking much better than on my last trip in June 2009.

  2. Certainly looks a lot better compared to my last stop there in 2014 – someone has applied paint and the platform also looks in better shape. Is this station now owned by a preservation organization (as opportunities to CN who never spent a nickel and let it deteriorate) and does VIA have a ticket/checked baggage office inside ? Note the station sign “Sioux Lookout, Ontario “. Not often you see the provincial name on a train station sign. Maybe it’s because after travelling more than 24 hours from Toronto, the tourists/train travellers need to be reminded that they are still in Ontario and that the “middle of nowhere “ is in this province. Very nice picture, gives me the itch to take the Canadian west once again, John

  3. I think the local historical group may have hung that station name sign with the province ‘Ontario’ added to it. That is certainly not a CN standard.

    According to VIA’s website, the station is closed and passengers must bring their own luggage to the baggage car! …


    On March 10, 1994, the station building at Sioux Lookout was designated a heritage building under the Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act.


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