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CN2575, GECX7345 and CN 2165 entering the northend of Paris Junction. CN 2575 was dead and were going to switch out lead engines.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jerry Ashford all rights reserved.

Caption: CN2575, GECX7345 and CN 2165 entering the northend of Paris Junction. CN 2575 was dead and were going to switch out lead engines.

Jerry Ashford [3] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/04/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN2575 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Paris Junction (search)
City/Town: Paris (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37200
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  1. Hmmm, with the other two units facing east, I wonder how they switched the units,unless they ran long hood forward for the rest of the trip?

  2. Phil, they ended up running to London as-is after much discussion with the RTC/chief. 2575 was running on battery power at that point, and I can remember that they requested a pilot for the Guelph Sub

  3. Pray tell, why need a pilot for the Guelph Sub ?

  4. Crew stated that nobody on board was qualified to use the wye in London (which, I believe is located on the Guelph Sub) Corrections to my memory are always welcome haha

  5. I know the wye at Paris is out of service as i had to run a Dash 8 backwards all the way to Mac Yrd from London. Urgh..

  6. The wye on the Guelph Sub is very close to the Junction. LOL if they really wanted to turn the power they could have.. Those buggers

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