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CN train 97, a short lived summer only and Friday only, passenger train heads north just north of the old station at Richmond Hill, Ontario.  The train is powered by freight GP9 4508, and consists of a steam generator car, coach, and ex Crusader round end coach.  Something unknown to me has caught the attention of the fireman!  When GO service stated to Richmond Hill, the first two northbound trains were consolidated before heading back to Toronto.  The 505 waits its turn to head back south.
Copyright Notice: This image ©First954 all rights reserved.

Caption: CN train 97, a short lived summer only and Friday only, passenger train heads north just north of the old station at Richmond Hill, Ontario. The train is powered by freight GP9 4508, and consists of a steam generator car, coach, and ex Crusader round end coach. Something unknown to me has caught the attention of the fireman! When GO service stated to Richmond Hill, the first two northbound trains were consolidated before heading back to Toronto. The 505 waits its turn to head back south.

First954 [290] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/26/1978 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4508 (search)
Train Symbol: 97 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Richmond Hill ON Mile 21.2 Bala Sub (search)
City/Town: Richmond Hill (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37757
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Photo ID: 36564

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  1. The green painted headlight on 505 is unusual.

  2. Thanks for the comment Eric. I never noticed the green headlight until you mentioned it. I checked a bunch of my other GO slides and this is the only one I have with a green headlight.

  3. Probably got swapped out at some point from one off a rear end, as the rear headlights were green as part of the body colour.

  4. I am curious as to what was train 97s route and destination? Thanks

  5. Train 97 ran from Toronto Union Station to North Bay. It went north on the Bala Sub to Washago and then the Newmarket Sub to North Bay. The southbound ran all the way on the Newmarket Sub. The slightly different route southbound was not an issue as the train did not make any stops northbound on the Bala Sub.

  6. Thank you, any idea how long this set up lasted? I have the 1980 timetable and Trains 120,123,124 must have taken over that work.

  7. Not certain, but I think only two summers.

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