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CN train 701 coke train has just completed dumping and is secured awaiting a crew to take it back west (then south). Trains 701/702 began running north to Thunder Bay in 2017 and have been a fairly regular fixture ever since. Due to it's start on the UP in Minnesota it's a guarantee to have foreign power. This days visitor had NS 9722-NS 4398 along with UP 1111- UP's "Employee Pride Locomotive".
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Young all rights reserved.

Caption: CN train 701 coke train has just completed dumping and is secured awaiting a crew to take it back west (then south). Trains 701/702 began running north to Thunder Bay in 2017 and have been a fairly regular fixture ever since. Due to it's start on the UP in Minnesota it's a guarantee to have foreign power. This days visitor had NS 9722-NS 4398 along with UP 1111- UP's "Employee Pride Locomotive".

David Young [294] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/04/2022 (search)
Railway: Norfolk Southern (search)
Reporting Marks: NS 9722 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 702 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Thunder Bay Terminals Ltd. (search)
City/Town: Thunder Bay (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52384
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Photo ID: 51082

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  1. Did the CP coke trains continue? When I was there June ’22 there was speculation CP had taken it over entirely. Of course that didn’t pan out.

  2. No. Those were short lived. Only a couple ever ran. CP couldn’t compete with the CN routing.

  3. Neat, thanks for the update Dave. Glad I stumbled into one. Gotta love Thunder Bay – so unique in the Ontario context.

    Keep em coming.

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