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CN train 394 is eastbound on the Oakville sub powered by 2 leased units, Citirail ES44ac CREX 1517 and GE ET44ac GECX 2038. As I recall the detector reported 640 axles = 2 six axle engines and 157 railcars. 
Someone told me the first 2 digits of the CREX units is the last 2 digits of the year it was acquired.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: CN train 394 is eastbound on the Oakville sub powered by 2 leased units, Citirail ES44ac CREX 1517 and GE ET44ac GECX 2038. As I recall the detector reported 640 axles = 2 six axle engines and 157 railcars.

Someone told me the first 2 digits of the CREX units is the last 2 digits of the year it was acquired.

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 2019-05-24 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CREX 1517, GECX 2038 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 394 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Aldershot West (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37694
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  1. First two I heard

  2. Not sure whether Docta’s comment is to agree or disagree with what I wrote, but I meant that the CREX 15xx unit numbers may indicate they were acquired (built, ordered?) in 2015.
    Something Lemonville bridge fans have noticed recently is the dual rust-coloured lines down the middle of track 1 (where train 394 is) and track 3. Perhaps it’s left by rusty water draining out of railcars, but then odd that it is also on the mainly passenger (GO) track 3 but not track 2.

  3. I read it completely wrong, my bad haha.

  4. Correct about the digits and year. There are CREX units from 2013, 2014, 2015. All of the CN ones are 2015 acquired by Citirail.

  5. CREX / CEFX ran thru on 148 today also. Very similar looking to this!

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