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What’s the power…more GEVO’s? And i’m sure it will be in time for GEXR to expire
But at least CN, the only class 1 I know of, will be running the GP9 rebuilds.
Lots of GE’s on order
Sadly yes lots of GE’s on order
. 2626 is an older C44-9W. All the new units will be ES44AC’s I think.
@Brad, yes thankfully CN is the last Class 1 operating GP9′s and GMD-1′s in service. They sure got their moneys worth out of those EMD’s. I bet no GE’s will ever last that long!!
Nice catch Marcus !
@ngineered4u- Do you happen to know how much longer the leasers will be around ? I know things can changed but I’m just curious. I’ve seen other’s have asked to on FB. And dates can changed.
I know some of the new GE’s #3800s are already on the property but not sure when leased power will be returned. I believe GE has the balance of this year for getting new units to CN.
Cool catch Marcus, I’ve not had any luck with these repainted 60′s yet.