Caption: CN SW1200RS 1374 in it's newly applied CNNA colors switches Brantford yard on a quiet Sunday morning in 1993. I remember this well, as it was my first visit to Brantford to observe trains. My notes don't indicate it, however I remember 1374 later departing the yard and with cars followed by many many train horns, as it probably headed to Burford on what remained of the Burford Spur. I hadn't yet realized that line existed yet unfortunately as my dad and I were slowly just getting familiar with railfanning and the mainline was where our attention was.
From my notes that day; CN 4129, 9565 and 9566 were also assigned to Brantford in the yard as well as cabooses 79770 and 79713. CN train 419 later came through with 5290/ 5109 and Windsor-bound 381 had 3510, EMD Leasing 772, which was ex-Conrail and 2101.