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CN RS1200 sits in Don Yard, disguised as a New Haven switcher.  Apparently repainted for a film shoot, only one side got the movie treatment as I recall .  Date is approximate, sorry didn't keep good notes.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Tony Bock all rights reserved.

Caption: CN RS1200 sits in Don Yard, disguised as a New Haven switcher. Apparently repainted for a film shoot, only one side got the movie treatment as I recall . Date is approximate, sorry didn't keep good notes.

Tony Bock [74] (more) (contact)
Date: 1982 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1387 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Don Yard (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=18661
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  1. I always thought the infamous black/orange 1961 ‘Wet Noodle’ decoration was a various of the New Haven scheme!

  2. Hey that’s the Portlands lead!

  3. CN’s Cherry St. yards to be exact Cam (Don Yard and the THC lead to the portlands were on the south side of the corridor). I’ve seen another photo of this unit there dated September 1990, so it’s probably later than ’82. A neat little do-up, anyone know what movie this was used in?

  4. Aha, here we are. According to the February 1992 issue of Railfan and Railroad, CN SW1200RS 1387 was done up in New Haven colours for the Disney movie “Used People”, filmed in September 1991 and listed as “shot in CN’s Bayview (Toronto) yard”, but they probably mean Cherry St. or Don Yard around where the photo was taken. There were also two 40′ boxcars painted New York Central involved.

  5. Thanks for the update on the info.

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