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CN Q105 with all of CN's heritage units trailing ties down at Shannonville due to congestion at Mac yard while a hotshot intermodal passes.
This was quite the treat to watch unfold as the railway community came together and posted their updates and their shots of these newly released units. I made the trip from my namesake town and stopped by at the end of the rush and was surprised to only see one other railfan stop by shortly after we arrived. From what I heard it was quite the zoo and even the railway police were called however we did not see any.
Copyright Notice: This image ©William Rolston all rights reserved.

Caption: CN Q105 with all of CN's heritage units trailing ties down at Shannonville due to congestion at Mac yard while a hotshot intermodal passes. This was quite the treat to watch unfold as the railway community came together and posted their updates and their shots of these newly released units. I made the trip from my namesake town and stopped by at the end of the rush and was surprised to only see one other railfan stop by shortly after we arrived. From what I heard it was quite the zoo and even the railway police were called however we did not see any.

William Rolston [89] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/14/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2940 (search)
Train Symbol: CN Q105 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Shannonville (search)
City/Town: Shannonville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45758
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Photo ID: 44514

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Wow! Fantastic shot! I wonder if such a consist will ever happen in the mere future… Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hasn’t happened yet. This may be unique

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