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CN Q 11251 24 crosses from the east track to the west track at Elgin after meeting M 30131 29 on the double track at Quaker.  This 9932 foot long intermodal from the west coast is powered by CN 2659, IC 2725, CN 2317 with CN 2525 shoving on the tail end.  The 2659 has been leading the track backwards since the Redditt Sub, where CN 2317 suffered a crank case failure, leaving the train limping along at a 0.4HPT and with the clock ticking towards the battery power running out; effectively leaving the unit without heat, lights and control over the DP unit which is also the SBU.  CN 2659 and IC 2725 were pulled off X 31731 26 online to rescue the train and clear the single track mainline.  Without an opportunity to wye the power across the north, we see 112 in its unusual configuration approximately 1000 miles later as the sun rises over the Bala Sub at 0749.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Eull all rights reserved.

Caption: CN Q 11251 24 crosses from the east track to the west track at Elgin after meeting M 30131 29 on the double track at Quaker. This 9932 foot long intermodal from the west coast is powered by CN 2659, IC 2725, CN 2317 with CN 2525 shoving on the tail end. The 2659 has been leading the track backwards since the Redditt Sub, where CN 2317 suffered a crank case failure, leaving the train limping along at a 0.4HPT and with the clock ticking towards the battery power running out; effectively leaving the unit without heat, lights and control over the DP unit which is also the SBU. CN 2659 and IC 2725 were pulled off X 31731 26 online to rescue the train and clear the single track mainline. Without an opportunity to wye the power across the north, we see 112 in its unusual configuration approximately 1000 miles later as the sun rises over the Bala Sub at 0749.

Rob Eull [734] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/29/2015 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2659 (search)
Train Symbol: CN Q 11251 24 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Elgin - CN Bala Sub (search)
City/Town: Richmond Hill (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21920
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Photo ID: 20786

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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One Comment
  1. Great catch.

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