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CN only rebuilt 10 of its GMD F7B freight B-units as part of their F7Au/F7Bu rebuild program in the mid-70's, but they got their mileage out of the cabless units and seemed to use them wherever they could, whether it was in pure A-B-A Sets of F-units or mixed in with other models at random.

Here on a less-than-ideal day, Reg was out to capture a rather unconventional lashup: CN GP40-2W's 9640 and 9656 splice F7Bu's 9198 and 9196, flying white extra flags on train #431 (with pulpwood racks up front) as they roll into Niagara Falls at Portage Road. The purists would scoff, but I suppose this qualifies as an "A-B-B-A" consist. The figures on the hill in the background are golfers enjoying some time on the course nearby.

Reg Button photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide (with some editing and cleanup)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Reg Button photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: CN only rebuilt 10 of its GMD F7B freight B-units as part of their F7Au/F7Bu rebuild program in the mid-70's, but they got their mileage out of the cabless units and seemed to use them wherever they could, whether it was in pure A-B-A Sets of F-units or mixed in with other models at random.

Here on a less-than-ideal day, Reg was out to capture a rather unconventional lashup: CN GP40-2W's 9640 and 9656 splice F7Bu's 9198 and 9196, flying white extra flags on train #431 (with pulpwood racks up front) as they roll into Niagara Falls at Portage Road. The purists would scoff, but I suppose this qualifies as an "A-B-B-A" consist. The figures on the hill in the background are golfers enjoying some time on the course nearby.

Reg Button photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide (with some editing and cleanup)

Reg Button photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1015] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/22/1983 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 9640, 9198, 9196, 9656 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 431 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Grimsby Sub (search)
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43272
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