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CN / NS 445 was always a nice catch back in the day especially considering the distance it has to travel between Fort Erie and Niagara Falls. CN back then and still today has no direct access to NS in Buffalo NY, so with that said NS still has to interchange with CN in Ontario, although they barely cross the border into Canada other the a mile into Fort Erie. This day the power was interesting as it was two freshly painted units. A NS Dash-9 and a CSX former Conrail GP15. It was odd seeing the CSX unit with the NS, and I wondered how this consist came to be.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: CN / NS 445 was always a nice catch back in the day especially considering the distance it has to travel between Fort Erie and Niagara Falls. CN back then and still today has no direct access to NS in Buffalo NY, so with that said NS still has to interchange with CN in Ontario, although they barely cross the border into Canada other the a mile into Fort Erie. This day the power was interesting as it was two freshly painted units. A NS Dash-9 and a CSX former Conrail GP15. It was odd seeing the CSX unit with the NS, and I wondered how this consist came to be.

Marcus W Stevens [1076] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/28/2002 (search)
Railway: Norfolk Southern (search)
Reporting Marks: NS 9117, CSX 1537 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 445 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Stamford subdivision (search)
City/Town: Port Robinson (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=48490
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  1. Pretty sweet shot !

  2. I’m wondering if you smelled the paint on the NS unit. That looks like it’s factory fresh.

  3. Actually CN did have access to NS and we used to interchange trains with them on a regular basic for awhile. I took many CN trains to the NS Bison Yard and back to Mac Yrd.

  4. Thanks for the clarification. I had always heard there was no direct interchange but then wondered how the old 334/335 did it. So why does NS still travel to Fort Erie rather then CN run into Buffalo. I know CN interchanges with CSX there?

  5. No problem Marcus. Actually 334/335 was a pain in the ass to work because you had to get across CP437 near the old Buffalo Terminal and the had to get permission from CP Rail through SK yard ( former D&H) and then on to Bison. LOL and everyone had a different switch key! After CN stopped running to Bison (2004 I think), NS started to bring the traffic across to FT.Erie again, as they do today. I guess like the old Wabash? I used to work 339/338 to Frontier Yard but the abolished 339/338 and gave the work to the Pt.Robinson crews. Now they run roadswitchers from Ft Erie to Frontier Yard and then combine the NS and CSX traffic to make up train 422.

  6. Thanks so much for the clarity. I always wondered how the arrangement worked.

  7. Cant beat a pair of clean units, especially considering that CSX debuted the “Dark Future” paint scheme the very next month.

  8. And I believe NS added the horse head logo not long after either.

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