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CN mixed freight  
CN 2690 & CN 3072 leading a mixed freight consist sit a few hundred feet east of CN Home Mile 0.55 Albreda Sub waiting for clearance into the yard at Jasper, AB. 
This photo was taken at the Hazel Avenue road crossing Mile 0.29 CN Albreda Sub. at the west end of Jasper yard where I spent numerous hours during each of my three days in town. There was a continuous string of east and westbound train traffic in and out of Jasper that could be easily viewed from this location. 
The Hazel street crossing is at the west end entrance to the CN yard and crew hostel and provided some nice views of the yard, the town, and the mountains while I waited for train movements. 
Two of the three days were sunny and blue, but all three were bitterly cold. Fortunately, it was only a stones throw to a variety of bake shops, coffee shops, and restaurants where a pastry and hot chocolate could be had! :-)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: CN mixed freight
CN 2690 & CN 3072 leading a mixed freight consist sit a few hundred feet east of CN Home Mile 0.55 Albreda Sub waiting for clearance into the yard at Jasper, AB.
This photo was taken at the Hazel Avenue road crossing Mile 0.29 CN Albreda Sub. at the west end of Jasper yard where I spent numerous hours during each of my three days in town. There was a continuous string of east and westbound train traffic in and out of Jasper that could be easily viewed from this location.
The Hazel street crossing is at the west end entrance to the CN yard and crew hostel and provided some nice views of the yard, the town, and the mountains while I waited for train movements.
Two of the three days were sunny and blue, but all three were bitterly cold. Fortunately, it was only a stones throw to a variety of bake shops, coffee shops, and restaurants where a pastry and hot chocolate could be had! :-)

Paul O'Shell [448] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/26/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2690, CN 3072 (search)
Train Symbol: unknown (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Jasper, Albreda Sub. Mile 0.29 (search)
City/Town: Jasper (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53455
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Photo ID: 52143

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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