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CN L562 led by CN ES44DC #2235 heads towards Trillium's Feeder Yard along the CP Hamilton Subdivision. This section is famous for its recognizable trench section which was dug out to go under the Welland Canal.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Matthew Tozier all rights reserved.

Caption: CN L562 led by CN ES44DC #2235 heads towards Trillium's Feeder Yard along the CP Hamilton Subdivision. This section is famous for its recognizable trench section which was dug out to go under the Welland Canal.

Matthew Tozier [44] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/05/2022 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2235 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 562 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Hamilton Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Welland (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=48474
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Photo ID: 47200

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Aha it was you :) A friend of mine who lives nearby called me and asked why four people were standing on HWY 140 …. is something special coming? Guess this was it. He’s not a fan but knows all about us :)

  2. Haha, it was just the 3 of us enjoying the weather, nothing too special that day. ;)

  3. BTW… This is on the Highway 58 bridge, perhaps another group was out?

  4. I’m sure it was you guys LOL. You’re on the dain city side where my friend lives.

  5. With all that creosoted wood played out, it won’t be long before a tie renewal crew will be disturbing the ballast on one or both of those tracks.

  6. Very nice – great sun and any power on a 562 is a blessing.

  7. What’s going with the ties in the middle. New track or replacments?

  8. Btw, is this the same train that goes on the Humberstone/Tube spur. From CN Oakvile sub and CP Galt/North Toronto experince..ie understanding the simplicity of the track layout compared to Niagara/Welland it’s hard for me to figure out. Comparing Google maps, the Southern Ontario Google Earth project and Openrailway map it’s a tough one! And why such a space between the two tracks in the photo? I love shots like this where I can conduct my research! And small trains with two six axel units is intrguing :) Thanks!

  9. Tie replacement

    Yes 562 does the humebrstone

    Spaced because it used to be three wide here

  10. 562 does not go on the tube spur. Cars are dropped and picked up from Southern yard. Trillium takes them to welded tube from there using 340.

  11. http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41004

    for a pic of it with three tracks. Search site for more, there are lots. Third track removed around 1990

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