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CN L555 with IC 2457, CN 5727 and CN 2246 pause briefly in Hamilton's Parkdale Yard to make their setoff. This was a 30 second exposure and I must say, I am impressed with how still the hogger was.
Copyright Notice: This image ©James Knott all rights reserved.

Caption: CN L555 with IC 2457, CN 5727 and CN 2246 pause briefly in Hamilton's Parkdale Yard to make their setoff. This was a 30 second exposure and I must say, I am impressed with how still the hogger was.

James Knott [535] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/19/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: IC 2457 (search)
Train Symbol: 555 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Grimsby Sub (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=42728
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  1. If they were making a lift, I would have said he is watching the air pressure build while he waits for the conductor to walk back. He certainly was still, maybe they have the Internet on that little console screen, lol.

  2. The Hogger must have been meditating. ;) Great shot as always James!

  3. Excellent Jamie.

  4. Very, very nice picture Jamie, good colour balance ! Maybe “short snooze” time for the hogger – his eyes look closed.

  5. Thanks for the comments guys :)

  6. LOL, we hoggers are NOT allowed to close our eyes while on duty :-)

  7. For give me and I apologize to all railway engineers. My comment was not appropriate about snoozing on the job. However, decades ago, a Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada was appointed by the federal government as a one man Commissioner to look into the matter of whether fireman where required on diesel locomotives. There were many days of hearings, many deputations and filings from many entities, from railway companies, labour unions, employees and ordinary citizens. At one point, it was suggested that Justice Roy Kellock spend a half shift in a CPR Alco yard switcher in the Montreal area. He agreed and showed up duly outfitted in an engineer outfit, complete with railway hat and gloves and seated himself in the fireman’s seat. It was a very hot day, and notwithstanding the cab windows and doors were open, the cab got quite hot, especially when they were not moving. As the story goes, having really nothing to do , couldn’t read hand signals, it took about 2 hours before he was snoozing on the job. This “evidence” never showed up in the Royal Commission final report.

  8. Over 30 seconds of exposure his blinking, slight movements, etc. would all factor in to how the image appears. I didn’t mean to start anything by sharing this post – but I can assure everyone he definitely was not asleep as during the setoff he was actively communicating with the guys on the ground and was once again pulling ahead to clear the switch mere moments after this photo was taken, once the set off had been made. :)

  9. @BRUNDLE..no internet

  10. Hey guys. I don’t think any railroad employee, past or present would have any issues with anything you posted for this pic. This engineer knows that you are teasing and no harm was intended.
    Most railroaders appreciate that you are out there trackside, taking your pics and keeping our profession alive for the future generations to come. Not to mention being our eyes and ears on the ground if there is any hazard to us or the railway. So thank you!

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