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CN Class GR-12m, CN #1000

 GMD 1958 built GMD1 with as ordered A-1-A trucks

  CN 1000 series unit(s) designed /  intended for light rail branchline assignments.

 Sept   8 1983 at CN Thornton Yard, Surrey B.C.,  Kodachrome by John Baker, collection of Steve Danko 

 What's interesting

  A trio of 1000's series GMD-1 regularly worked the Scarborough Junction yard and  the CN Uxbridge Subdivision Scarborough - Lindsay – Peterboro run throughout the late 1960's; by late 1970's MLW RS18's worked the line, then rebuilt GMD GP9's

  per Trackside Guide, rebuilt 1989 with B B trucks at Pointe St. Charles  and renumbered CN#1423 Class GR-412a

 GMD1u CN#1423 has worked throughout the CN system, from Saint John to Oakville to Sault Ste Marie to Fort Saskatchewan to Edmonton – try searching CN 1423

Copyright Notice: This image ©John Baker, collection of Steve Danko all rights reserved.


CN Class GR-12m, CN #1000

GMD 1958 built GMD1 with as ordered A-1-A trucks

CN 1000 series unit(s) designed / intended for light rail branchline assignments.

Sept 8 1983 at CN Thornton Yard, Surrey B.C., Kodachrome by John Baker, collection of Steve Danko

What's interesting

A trio of 1000's series GMD-1 regularly worked the Scarborough Junction yard and the CN Uxbridge Subdivision Scarborough - Lindsay – Peterboro run throughout the late 1960's; by late 1970's MLW RS18's worked the line, then rebuilt GMD GP9's

per Trackside Guide, rebuilt 1989 with B B trucks at Pointe St. Charles and renumbered CN#1423 Class GR-412a

GMD1u CN#1423 has worked throughout the CN system, from Saint John to Oakville to Sault Ste Marie to Fort Saskatchewan to Edmonton – try searching CN 1423


John Baker, collection of Steve Danko [727] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/08/1983 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1000 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Thornton Yard (search)
City/Town: Surrey (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=36814
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  1. Ten hundreds in Ontario in the1960s?!? Tell me more!

  2. This may be one of the Vancouver Island assigned units over at the mainland for servicing.

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