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CN 9543 and 9675 were set off in Brantford yard by 385 on Monday.  They have most likely arrived to be the first locomotives assigned to the Hagersville Subdivision when CN takes back operations between Brantford and Garnet on September 18.  CN 9675 was originally built for GO Transit and the green paint it previously wore is showing through the CN paint in a lot of locations.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Smith all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 9543 and 9675 were set off in Brantford yard by 385 on Monday. They have most likely arrived to be the first locomotives assigned to the Hagersville Subdivision when CN takes back operations between Brantford and Garnet on September 18. CN 9675 was originally built for GO Transit and the green paint it previously wore is showing through the CN paint in a lot of locations.

Rob Smith [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/11/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 9543 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Brantford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34752
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  1. Neat – these will look good on the first CN 581 next week. According to CN folks, the job will apparently be based out of Brantford and run as a Brantford-Paris-Garnet-Paris-Brantford turn, called for 2100. I hope a few runs sneak into daylight.

  2. That plan makes more sense than what I had originally heard. Winter always threw SOR off on a few occasions each year, I’m sure CN will have a few rough days too!

  3. I’m looking forward to it, since it means daylight photography! I wonder how much work 581 will be slated to do, will 580 still work yard limits or will 581 take that over. Something tells me it’ll be status quo for 580 though.

  4. 580 does not work only in yard limits and that term rarely applies these days. 580 is a road switcher and normally they have a 30 mile radius from the home terminal. The L500 trains can go about 50 miles from Mac Yrd.

  5. Agreed. But I’m referring to yard limits on the Hagersville sub which was retained by CN when they took over Brantford Yard from SOR in about 2000.

    Either they will continue to switch these customers or 581 might end up doing it. Sorry I wasn’t so clear.

  6. I know that you are talking about the term yard limits my friend and the term was used a lot when i hired on but the times they are a changin..you are more likely to see cautionary limits these days.
    Yes one never knows what the company will do. Many times they violate the collective agreement and made crews do jobs that they were not intended.
    Lets just hope that CN does not screw this up and the customer goes to trucks.

  7. I imagine 580 will continue doing what it does now, and maybe go as far as Caledonia as required. Time will tell. Things will get interesting when the flour mill is finished and starts receiving cars. It’ll be a lot for one crew. Brantford yard is going to be a busy place again!

  8. Who owns the mill and how long till it’s operating?

  9. I saw the plans for the mill but I forget the company name… I recall they make cookies. I don’t know when it’ll be done, it’s been under construction for over a year now. You can see it from the 403 when you cross over the Dundas Sub. The switch to the mill will be just east of Masseys by the looks of it.

  10. I could not find the name of the mill but its look like it will be located at 155 Adams Blvd right next to the CN main. The plans show a flour mill and a bakery and a two story office.

  11. Golden Miles is the owner of the mill I believe

  12. According to the Brantford permits the building is owned by MAHAL

  13. Too bad it won’t be a daylight run but oh well. And about the Burford spur, has anyone heard anything about it or contacted ingenia? Are there plans to get a railcar mover or is SOR gonna be able to keep servicing it somehow? Or will they go the truck route? If anyone finds out let me know

  14. I hope you like Trackmobiles Aaron.

  15. Golden Miles has a “Pasta” section coming soon on their website… perhaps that’s related to the mill currently under construction.

  16. Yeah could be! Vicano Construction has a video of it up on YouTube. Looks pretty well near done. Should know soon enough I suppose.

  17. He he he…Brantford-Paris-Garnet-Paris-Brantford !!!
    And you “hope” a few runs sneak into daylight?
    Can pretty much guarantee it unless they change the plan.

  18. Has there been an actual confirmation by ingenia about a trackmobile? Has one show up there or is it just speculation? Personally I would prefer seeing locomotives down there, the operation will lose a lot of its character with a trackmobile but I guess that’s business

  19. Aaron, get your shots while you still can young man… nothing is ever confirmed until it happens, also.

  20. Sweet, I look forward to the trackmobile era…maybe they’ll paint it attractively and slap some Ingenia logos on the side of it! It will look great trundling up Clarence Street to Brant Foods. Then it can just drive on the road back to the plant, genius. We all got to see CN and SOR on it at least.

  21. It’ll be a contractors trackmobile. I’m interested to see how successful their new operation will be…

  22. I’m curious what Transport Canada will have to say about that. How many trackmobiles have to deal with public crossings at grade.. anywhere???

  23. Only example I can think of is the one at AIM crossing Parkdale Ave. But that truly is apples and oranges as the road basically ends there and the traffic is much different. I can’t think of a single example of a substantial off-site run for a trackmobile through an entire series of level crossings.

  24. Trackmobiles are not usually allowed on public crossings. There are certain rules that govern vehicles on public crossings. Trackmobiles are normally limited to private sidings. The only one that I have seen near a public crossing was when they moved cars of sugar and the Redpath dock on Lakeshore Blvd, but that ended years ago.

  25. I’m curious how they will interchange with CN. I wonder if any one has worked that detail out yet?

  26. @ Phil, Bulk Logistics on the A110 South Industrial at Mac Yard has a track mobile and a grade crossing they go over to switch customers.

  27. How did you find out it would be a trackmobile? I called ingenia before but got no answer. Does anyone know when the last SOR train is gonna be? If this trackmobile thing is true I’m really gonna miss the geeps.

  28. Aaron, you have to know the right people. It also helps if you live in the community in question and have many connections within the same community.

  29. Makes sense. I’m glad that rail service is likely to continue. I would hate to see the rails removed. I wonder why Ingenia is so insistent on rail service rather than cheaping out like so many other industries have sadly done

  30. Dana Corporation in Thorold, nearby the paper mill with the 2 or 3 GM switchers, has/had a very large RailKing that ran outside the gates and over the crossing. When people say “track mobile”, we conjure up images of a little toy tractor. But there are so many Rail Kings out there, the very big variety, they practically qualify as small locomotives (such as the well known GE centercabs or even the smaller 25ton GE end cabs).
    And the reason Ingenia hasn’t ” cheaped out” is because their operation is based on rail ( ?? 8 to 10 car spots with accompanying air lines, vacuum pumps etc). To say nothing of the fact they are in an awkward location (cramped) for trucks to be moving in/out 16 hours a day.
    The ‘car mover’ will look nice in the Ingenia green and blue scheme…

  31. Bruce , all good points. It’s all a business decision after all! ACLO in Cambridge (who took plastic pellet hoppers off the CPR Waterloo sub in Preston) moved and I believe PDI is now handling their plastics as it has to be trucked in where they are now.

    It’ll be interesting to see what happens come December in Brantford.

  32. Stephen, excuse me for not knowing, but what exactly is happening in december?

  33. Aaron – CN is taking over SOR Hamilton operations December 13, three month later than the September 18 takeover of the Hagersville Sub. I expect to see changes on the Burford Spur before December.

  34. This power is being used on 580 today (Monday Sept. 17) @Aaron – RLHH 597 at 2:00 p.m. went south down the Burford, maybe you can catch them coming back.

  35. Had a feeling there would be an Ingenia run today!

  36. Gents, regular Paris run tonight, word from crew is last run is tomorrow ord 1100 Garnet, one way with train, light power back to Garnet. CN takes over midnight on the 19th.

    Subject to change.

    Also, for Bruce et al – it very well could be that CN 580 may do the local work on the Hagersville.. to Hagersville and 581 may be a road train only – no work enroute. If 580 and 581 end up sharing these gp40′s (day and night shift) this very well could become the new normal in Brantford.

    The question is.. how many days a week will the customers get for service on the Hagersville given 580′s workload and will there be too much work requiring extra assignments for Brantford or Hagersville locals? (And how? Call a crew out of Aldershot? Assign more power in Brantford?) That’s what I wonder.. will be interesting to see how the dust settles on this.

    CGC recently completed adding a lot of new track, I presume to account for a reduction from 5+/week service under SOR to less under CN. Need more room for loads and empties..

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