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CN 9472,2031 with MEC 256, B&M 258, 263 dead in tow wb just about to duck under Durham 23 the Ajax, Whitby boarder. Destination of the last three units is unknown. Note the first two cars next to the units. A snow fence multi and a depressed flat carrying a big metal zero of some type. This location is now a total mess at this time. A new bridge for Durham 23 and a new interchange for the 412 ? to connect to the 407 extension.
Copyright Notice: This image ©darrell lupson all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 9472,2031 with MEC 256, B&M 258, 263 dead in tow wb just about to duck under Durham 23 the Ajax, Whitby boarder. Destination of the last three units is unknown. Note the first two cars next to the units. A snow fence multi and a depressed flat carrying a big metal zero of some type. This location is now a total mess at this time. A new bridge for Durham 23 and a new interchange for the 412 ? to connect to the 407 extension.

darrell lupson [110] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/29/1992 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: cn9472 2031 Mec 256 B&M 258 263 (search)
Train Symbol: unknowen (search)
Subdivision/SNS: kingston sub (search)
City/Town: Whitby (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=22219
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Photo ID: 21085

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  1. Former MEC GP38 256, 258, 263 all sold to Helm Leasing and should be stencilled HLCX somewhere on the carbody or under the cab window; they were leased to Vermont Rly starting Nov1991; went to CN Pte St. Charles for repairs by Feb1992; and in this photo are on their way to the DM&E for lease. The 256 became HLCX 3614; the 263 became HLCX 3617; and the 258 came back from DM&E lease, became NH & Vermont 3800; then HLCX 3619, then to Railink Hamilton/Hagersville #2000 still in NHV paint; and is still in the area on the SOR as 3873.

  2. what a great shot

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