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CN 9164(F7Au) is at the head of this eastbound freight out of Prince George as it approaches Crescent Spur on the Fraser sub.
Copyright Notice: This image ©richard hart all rights reserved.

Caption: [Editors note: rare era and location] CN 9164(F7Au) is at the head of this eastbound freight out of Prince George as it approaches Crescent Spur on the Fraser sub.

richard hart [200] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/00/1973 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 9164 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Fraseer (search)
City/Town: McBride (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=13775
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Photo ID: 12755

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  1. Are you wishing you could live those days over again just to make a real determined effort at catching these Fs in action, now that the day is long gone and they’re but a pleasant memory?? :o )

  2. I wish that I had been a serious railway photographer in those days like you obviously were and had taken a lot more pics. I do certainly like the appearance of the F’s but they somehow fit better with passenger trains which I never saw a lot of. I have only recently focused on railways(which I really enjoy) but lament the lack of variety in locomotive types that I see.

  3. And take a close look at the roadbed. Fantastic. Imagine today’s cameras then??!!

  4. Dave: With the exception of Leica and the old Graflex cameras (and a few others that aren’t coming to mind at the moment)grabbing the super-sharp images we see today were far and few between and costly. Too much money for the likes of most of us to be ‘wasting’ on trains. And film speeds were slow. I would image that was the problem with this image; one I consider great despite some blur on the nose. The brilliant clean paint, and yes, that rather dilapidated roadbed; which looks begging for a washout, set this shot apart from so many others.

  5. Yes Arnold: when I think back to the number of Kodak 64 slides I’ve thrown out over the years. Its shots like this that scream at me to get the scanner out and see what has survived from the late 70′s and early 80′s.

  6. This shot was taken with a Konica SLR but don’t remember the film used. I originally scanned it with a friends HP scanner but was not happy with the result, so resorted to taking a shot of the projected image with my Nikon. Still not as good as the slide but worth it I think.

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