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CN 8817 with 5780 pass along the bright canola fields.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Cam Leonard all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 8817 with 5780 pass along the bright canola fields.

Cam Leonard [74] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/21/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 8817 (search)
Train Symbol: 443 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Three Hills (search)
City/Town: Swalwell (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=25585
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Photo ID: 24436

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  1. Very nice.

  2. A side of Alberta I’ve never seen. Brilliant.

  3. Beautiful shot!!

  4. Classic view capturing the very essence of the prairie lands. This should be on a wall poster or in an educational publication. Beautiful !!!

  5. Great idea Arnold; CN calendar shot!!

  6. The CN Calendar only accepts submissions from employees. So Cam, if you are one, submit it. Great work!

  7. Thanks everyone. I am not a CN employee so you won’t see it in their calendar.

  8. Hey Cam, would have loved to submit the photo to CN for you, but not sure they would accept it or not. They cutoff date for submissions to next years calendar has already passed :-(

  9. CN would not accept this for a calendar because the containers do not read “CN”, the locomotives are not the newest CLEAN state-of-the-art, as they call them..and they did not have a say in setting this up..in other words it is not a typical fake calendar photo that a lot of us tire of. I mentioned this image getting public because of its’ beauty; and it is exactly what could grace the walls of a tourist bureau, a C of C or of a local travel magazine. What tourist would not want to capture a view like that?? A real winner, Cam.

  10. Sorry awmooney but that is where you are incorrect. CN would definitely accept this photograph. I am not sure where you get your info, but the CN calendar has all types of photos of everyday railroading and nothing has to be pristine or perfect. Yes they do have to be shots of CN’s component railroads, but they are NOT your typical company “staged” shots. I don’t often defend CN, but in this case you would be wrong my friend. :-)

  11. Thanks for the correction, Mr. Engineer. I was basing an assumption on requirements of some American RR calendars, that I know from some contributors having their photos ‘doctored’ to fit requirements. Nice to know CN “tells it like it is”.

  12. No worries awmooney… I know exactly the type of calendar’s you are talking about. I wish I had kept my older CN ones to share a few of the shots with you.

  13. I’m still getting over “Clean CN power”……… :)

  14. Just revisited this image. There’s in excess of 50,000 photos on RP, but this particular shot is still among my top 10 favourites.

  15. It really is brilliant, isn’t it. It’s Canada…and it’s CN.

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