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CN #580 with GP9RM #4116 rolls along the former LE&N on the Burford spur beside the Grand River after working the SC Johnson & Son plant.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: CN #580 with GP9RM #4116 rolls along the former LE&N on the Burford spur beside the Grand River after working the SC Johnson & Son plant.

Marcus W Stevens [1078] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/01/2011 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN (search)
Train Symbol: 580 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Burford spur (ex LE&N) (search)
City/Town: Brantford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=6986
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Photo ID: 6246

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. This is a classic example of making a great photograph out of such a minor subject as a local switching operation.
    Is this local still running thru Brantford??

  2. Yes, but Johnsons stopped using Rail and this section is no longer in use it would seem.

    There is one customer left, and CN has filed notice for transfer/discontinuance of the whole shebang..

  3. I should clarify – the old LE&N is no longer in use – the TH&B section has the one remaining customer that recieves platic pellets. They go down on Wednesdays only.

  4. The customer on the TH&B section is either Brant Screen Craft or Ingenia both signs are on the property so it’s hard to tell. It will be a shame to loose such an interesting and historic piece of track. So many good photo props.

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