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CN 5611 is seen on point of CP 244 as it passes Scarlett on the approach to West Toronto where it will tie down and later turn into 2-T49 under a new crew.

This train would've been in perfect light through here but unfortunately there was a screw up with a cut of cars around Hornby. The plan was to leave a cut of 26 cars in a spare track at Hornby where 246 would then pick them up and take them down the Hamilton for they're destination. Unfortunately Hornby was not going to take them and they had to make another plan. What ended up happening is 246 pull West of the signals at Cooksville, 244 left they're train on the main and backed the 26 cars onto 246's train. After that they backed up back onto they're train and proceeded East.

As they were approaching West Toronto they came to a stop, all radio chatter went silent and they did not have a signal to proceed past towards Davenport, RTC JD then told the crew to tie down and that they're train would turn into a 2-T49 and head North on the Mactier later in the day.
Copyright Notice: This image ©J.E. all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 5611 is seen on point of CP 244 as it passes Scarlett on the approach to West Toronto where it will tie down and later turn into 2-T49 under a new crew. This train would've been in perfect light through here but unfortunately there was a screw up with a cut of cars around Hornby. The plan was to leave a cut of 26 cars in a spare track at Hornby where 246 would then pick them up and take them down the Hamilton for they're destination. Unfortunately Hornby was not going to take them and they had to make another plan. What ended up happening is 246 pull West of the signals at Cooksville, 244 left they're train on the main and backed the 26 cars onto 246's train. After that they backed up back onto they're train and proceeded East. As they were approaching West Toronto they came to a stop, all radio chatter went silent and they did not have a signal to proceed past towards Davenport, RTC JD then told the crew to tie down and that they're train would turn into a 2-T49 and head North on the Mactier later in the day.

J.E. [165] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/14/2021 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 5611 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 244 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Galt (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=47383
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  1. A wild turn of events. I’ve never heard of a mainline handoff like that, let alone one train setting off for another between Toronto and Guelph Junction for a literal hand-off even 1 hour apart.

    Those must have been some hot cars.

  2. I’ve never heard of it happening before either but of course it had to to this train. Thanks CP… :(

  3. Is the CN engine at Lambton? This is definitely weird.

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