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CN 543 makes its weekly appearance in the Portlands. CN 4121 and 4138 (AP unit) are the power on this job. 543 has dropped its cars from Mimico, and will reverse around the train to pick up tankers for Canroof, one of only two customers on the Portlands Spur. The other being the Ashbridge's Bay treatment plant, which receives chlorine. 543 pauses on the Booth Avenue crossing temporarily, with the CN tower in the background. Unlike most nights, it is not lit, which I think is beneficial to this shot actually. As one of the more discreet freight operations in Toronto, with only two customers left on the spur getting service once a week, it is hard to say how much longer this spur will remain in service.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Daniel Odette all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 543 makes its weekly appearance in the Portlands. CN 4121 and 4138 (AP unit) are the power on this job. 543 has dropped its cars from Mimico, and will reverse around the train to pick up tankers for Canroof, one of only two customers on the Portlands Spur. The other being the Ashbridge's Bay treatment plant, which receives chlorine. 543 pauses on the Booth Avenue crossing temporarily, with the CN tower in the background. Unlike most nights, it is not lit, which I think is beneficial to this shot actually. As one of the more discreet freight operations in Toronto, with only two customers left on the spur getting service once a week, it is hard to say how much longer this spur will remain in service.

Daniel Odette [155] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/13/2015 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4121 (search)
Train Symbol: CN L54331 12 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 3.5 Portlands Railway Spur (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21102
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  1. Great shot! What is an AP unit? Is it like a slug?

  2. 4138 was used in a movie shoot years ago, and had the CN noodle on the nose replaced with “AR Illinois” – since then it has worn to the point that it now appears to have “AP” on the nose.

  3. So this is why you don’t do mornings at the station anymore, you’ve become nocturnal ;)

  4. You know it. There was a time going to the station in the morning was fun and worthwhile. Being nocturnal has its benefits…

  5. Really love these night-time switching shots. Keep em’ coming!

  6. For those unaware here is CN 4138 sporting its AR Illinois Logo


  7. Very nice!

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