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CN 4704 and CN 7038 are pictured pulling ahead out onto busy Burlington St. E. in Hamilton's industrial core during switching at Vopak at the end of Victoria Ave. on one of the first real nice days so far in March. I happened upon this train for the first time scoping out train shots in this area. The radio gave me some indication that there was a train somewhere down in "the hole". I just had to track it down. I also caught this symbol working Stelco the following day and had a money shot in my eyesight but because of tight security and a strict no photography rule (I was inside on the property and there for work) and not being prepared as I was driving (in a convoy too!), unfortunately it couldn't happen. I was very disappointed. I still regret not taking the risk! All for train shots right?
Copyright Notice: This image ©Kevin Flood all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 4704 and CN 7038 are pictured pulling ahead out onto busy Burlington St. E. in Hamilton's industrial core during switching at Vopak at the end of Victoria Ave. on one of the first real nice days so far in March. I happened upon this train for the first time scoping out train shots in this area. The radio gave me some indication that there was a train somewhere down in "the hole". I just had to track it down. I also caught this symbol working Stelco the following day and had a money shot in my eyesight but because of tight security and a strict no photography rule (I was inside on the property and there for work) and not being prepared as I was driving (in a convoy too!), unfortunately it couldn't happen. I was very disappointed. I still regret not taking the risk! All for train shots right?

Kevin Flood [417] (more) (contact)
Date: 2019-03-12 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4704 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=36989
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Photo ID: 35797

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  1. There’s no need to risk your job for a photo.

    However, on the other side of the fence, I can do whatever I want if I’m standing on a public sidewalk. I was accosted multiple times shooting trains at NSC, Stelco, or Dofasco: “I can’t take photos, why can you?” they would say – well it’s simple. You the employee may have an employee-employer relationship. I don’t. I can do Whatever I want (from public property, without trespassing) and the law allows me the right to and I can’t be fired.

    The employee can be fired in a heartbeat for breaking company policies no matter how mundane. And believe me, I heard what US Steel did to employees who so as much crossed the line without proper PPE. Stelco may be different, but it won’t be that much different.

    Fortunately, if I’m standing on the sidewalk at Burlington St shooting in, no matter what company is involved, or port security, or Police, I’m sorry but I have the right to photograph anything I want. Don’t like it? put up a taller fence, berm, or other obstruction device. The law is very clear in this situation and I have no trouble telling them all this :)

  2. Good tutorial Steve. On something of a related note, unfortunately, our fraternity continues to include members who do not respect private property or the right of way which gives us all a bad name. Thinking that RPca is insanely scrupulous in not publishing such images which would otherwise endorse the practice (historic images notwithstanding).

  3. Agreed. Safety should always come first.

    This site can’t be the police, but we can be vigilant and watch out for others and remind the young ones what they can and cannot do.

    There’s a time and a place for everything. For example, EMD London was an off limits place and security would chase you away if you got too close…. but when they had an open house? It’s open. Bring your camera.

    I did. I just had to wait long enough.

  4. Very good shot Kevin.

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