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CN 435 is pictured stopped down at the West end of the Brantford yard on the North Track with CN 2500, CN 2441, CN 8962 and CN 5711.  435 was waiting for RLHH 598 to move out of their way so that they could begin their work...598 had a long day yesterday.  They arrived in Brantford shortly after 9 to work Ingenia with RLHH 2081 and 6 hoppers, at 1500 they were still on the Burford Spur waiting for the CN DI to take them back up to Brantford yard.  When they finally received their signal and got back into the yard the crew tied down their cars on BA51 and their locomotive on BA52, these were the tracks that 435 required to drop off their 30 plus cars.  So after some running around to find the SOR crew and a locomotive and cars being relocated 435 was able to complete their work.  The crew was none too pleased but their waiting for SOR allowed me to get sun after a heavy snow squall!
Copyright Notice: This image ©Joseph Bishop all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 435 is pictured stopped down at the West end of the Brantford yard on the North Track with CN 2500, CN 2441, CN 8962 and CN 5711. 435 was waiting for RLHH 598 to move out of their way so that they could begin their work...598 had a long day yesterday. They arrived in Brantford shortly after 9 to work Ingenia with RLHH 2081 and 6 hoppers, at 1500 they were still on the Burford Spur waiting for the CN DI to take them back up to Brantford yard. When they finally received their signal and got back into the yard the crew tied down their cars on BA51 and their locomotive on BA52, these were the tracks that 435 required to drop off their 30 plus cars. So after some running around to find the SOR crew and a locomotive and cars being relocated 435 was able to complete their work. The crew was none too pleased but their waiting for SOR allowed me to get sun after a heavy snow squall!

Joseph Bishop [721] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/09/2017 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2500 (search)
Train Symbol: CN A43531-09 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dundas Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Brantford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=28316
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Photo ID: 27153

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. great weather shot Joe..Err.. “Mr” Joe I should say.

  2. Interesting sky. It makes the photo. I must say, if it was summer it might threaten to get one of yer nice shirts wet.

  3. Great lighting!

  4. Nice angle and threatening sky. Well done.

  5. Great light.

  6. Nice class leader. Nice shot man.

  7. The sky and the CN comfort cabs work for me. Good catch Mr. Joe. :-)

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