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CN 4131 leads a 7 car train towards Cainsville at Johnson Road.  The first two bulk head cars are for the Rembos Lumber Yard.  The trailing five tank cars are destined for Blastech where they are being refurbished.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Joseph Bishop all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 4131 leads a 7 car train towards Cainsville at Johnson Road. The first two bulk head cars are for the Rembos Lumber Yard. The trailing five tank cars are destined for Blastech where they are being refurbished.

Joseph Bishop [721] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/31/2017 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4131 (search)
Train Symbol: CN L580 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Hagersville Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Brantford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=30546
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  1. Ha Ha! Nice “Kiss Me” sign on the pilot. :-)

  2. Wonder why CN still runs this job handing over the Ingenia run to SOR?

  3. SOR did have this territory 1997-1999/2000 along with the Burford sub to Burford (10 miles – Ingenia included) until the Steel train came around, then in order to get the Steel train, SOR had to hand off Brantford yard limits back to CN. CN then abandoned the Burford.. but kept what we have now until CN formally abandoned the remainder of the Burford to Ingenia after Johnson’s Wax left rail service.

    Ingenia handed this contract to SOR so CN’s off the hook.

    It’s been an odd dance in the Brantford area over the years – heck the Steel train was gone by 2010… lasted 10 years.

    I just missed SOR owning Brantford yard when I started taking photos and by then the Burford was ripped up – CN wasted no time.

  4. Stephen, I understood that the Burford sub and subsequently the Steel train was literally washed out from the Grand River overflowing. Wonder what comes of the old station at Market St.

  5. Brad, partially correct but the wrong era – That was the FIRST steel train in the 1980′s ending around 1990 and that washout was on the TH&B at the time ending CP’s use of the line. That steel train was split CN and CP (lots of photos on here of it too). Keep in mind the ‘existing’ trackage in Brantford is a combination of a few subdivisions – ex TH&B, ex LE&N and ex CN Burford sub. After the washout at Cainsville what spurs remained were combined and handed off to CN to service and CN has been clawing back at them ever since.

    The second SOR/CN steel train (1999-2010) was affected by the closure of the blast furnaces in Hamilton when , under US Steel ownership, the recession crept in.

    Who knows if it will ever happen again.. Hamilton’s blast furnaces are still idle.

  6. The old TH&B station is still standing on Market Street…all be it gutted and boarded up. The tracks in front of it were torn up last year.

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