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Today, those signal lights are off, the CP building in the back has a couple boarded up windows and the continuous growing weeds.
And OSR took out some of that CPR interchange track and re-laid it on their property in the Salford area. (this was with permission, avoids CPR paying someone to remove it and it’s laid on CPR property, since the OSR lines are leased)
And they clearly don’t interchange with the CPR anymore – curious why that changed and when.
Chatham area cars are still interchanged, albeit in London.
Yes James, that goes without saying, that I meant “in chatham”
In all honesty, there was a CP job based out of Chatham in 2006, and chances are when this job was cut they probably moved the interchange, but that’s just my thoughts. CPR probably made an agreement with CN to consolidate the traffic with London.
If a shortline ever does take over the line north of here, they’d have to establish who and where they interchange… could be CN, CP or even CSX (hence with CN in Sarnia)
I’m curious as to when and why this interchange stopped as well. Most of the traffic at this time seemed to be grain hoppers, LPG tanks and some odd cars for the ethanol plant in Chatham.
If anything does operate the rails north of Chatham they would have quite a bit of brush clearing to do before interchanging in Chatham, but if it’s necessary it’s possible.
The signals were still displayed because the diamond was still in place. Once that disappeared, no need for signals, just put in wheel stops/stop block or a chunk of concrete beyond the ‘wye’ switch (and spike the rail for the curve, not the straight).
NO shortline will be interchanging ” in Sarnia”. IF such an operation does get running the cars would be exchanged either at Wallaceburg or Sombra. But that’s only if CSX decides to repair the washout north of Port Lambton, which may never happen.
As for a CP connection in Chatham, there are bundles of red tape to remove before that could take place.
Stick a fork in it, she’s done baby.