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CN 3105 and CN 102 were the locomotives on the southeast end of the annual CN Family Day Train in Winnipeg, which ran between Symington Yard and the Seine River several times. Here, they are beginning their trip back towards Symington Yard as they cross the Seine River.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Taylor Woolston all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 3105 and CN 102 were the locomotives on the southeast end of the annual CN Family Day Train in Winnipeg, which ran between Symington Yard and the Seine River several times. Here, they are beginning their trip back towards Symington Yard as they cross the Seine River.

Taylor Woolston [64] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/10/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 3105 (search)
Train Symbol: CN Family Day Train (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN St Boniface Lead (search)
City/Town: Winnipeg (search)
Province: Manitoba (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=26076
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Photo ID: 24927

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. If any editors see this, I messed up the map. It should be at this location: 49.889851, -97.105251

  2. I wonder why that photographer was down there – he was probably messing up a bunch of photographers shots and missing the reflection to boot. No respect for the photo line!

  3. That’s my friend Jack Hykaway. He was there first, it was my decision to photograph/video back here, while he was already there, and the iPhone doesn’t have any optical zoom, so no getting rid of him from the shot, lol.

  4. Ahh, This Jack Hykaway. He’s got some great photography on here. Good stuff, glad there was order. Some people think a person in a shot messes it up. But when you know the person, it often makes it that much better, especially if it’s a friend.

    But I know some people that are so vehmically opposed to any person being in a photo. I’m not in that camp personally.

  5. Well, it depends on where the person is, lol. He’s in the corner away from the train, so it’s all fine.

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